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StalLOIN “smacks” competition during opening weekend of Triple PIG Crown

FitBACONBit star sweeps takes 5 of 6 races, favorite heading into PIGtucky Derby

Sylvester StalLOIN came into weekend one of the Triple PIG Crown series and qualifying rounds for as a relative underHOG. But he’ll enter weekend two as the odds-on favorite to capture the PIGtucky Derby — first leg of the TPC (presented by Wally’s White River Drive In) after winning 5 of 6 qualifying races amongst his FitBACONBit teammates. StalLOIN, known as lil’ smoky for his tiny build, dominated his fellow Westside Pizza-sponsored teammates by sweeping all three qualifying races on Saturday and two of three on Sunday. He secured one of the four slots for this weekend’s PIGtucky Derby.

“StailLOIN showed that you don’t have to be the biggest, bulkiest boar in these battles,” said longtime race announcer Dennis “PIG Whisperer” Riley. “If your savvy and smart with a big heart, it goes a long way! Lil smokey was just that this weekend.”

ConHAM O’Brien of the ComediHAMS (sponsored by Blazing Bagels) won 4 of 6 qualifying races to also secure a slot in the Derby. Two other slots will be filled following the noon qualifying race this Saturday, and three thoroughHOGS are vying for those two slots – donald PLUMP (3 wins) and HAMala Harris (2 wins) of the PIG Politicians sponsored by Honeycomb Raw Honey and dave ChapPORK (2 wins) of the ComediHAMS. A PLUMP victory will ensure him a slot. But a HAMala victory and a ChapPORK victory will put them in the Derby and PLUMP out of the Derby.

“It’ll be the biggest, most amazing race anyone has ever seen,” PLUMP told reporters at a post-race press conference Sunday afternoon. “And, of course, I will be the most fastest and amazing amongst my running mates. It’ll for sure be a ratings bonanza.”

The 18th running of the PIGtucky Derby will begin at 2 pm at PIGlico Downs on the grounds of Maris Farms.

“Should be one helluva Derby on Saturday afternoon,” said race coordinator Steve HOGfather Templeman. “StalLOIN and ConHAM are obviously the ‘top hogs’ heading into this first leg of the TPC, but anything can happen when you mix the best racing hogs…it gets pretty damn crazy and competitive!”

Training for the 5-weekend TPC series held all of October started in mid-September for these young thoroughHOGS, and they’re still trying to get into some semblance of race-shape. They’ve also looked a bit hog-tied racing in front of large crowds for the first time in their young racing careers.

Farm visitors who happen upon the weekend races can place bets on the hog(s) they believe will win during qualifying or marquee races, and 100% of those “bets” are donated to local nonprofit, Celebrate HARVEST, whose mission it is to preserve family farms by inspiring and financially supporting present-day farmers and future experiential farmers. Fans will be amused and entertained by these local celebrity-named pigs – which feature many of the local, national and world-renowned fitness stars, business icons and comedians you’ve come to love over the years!

Last weekend, a total of $133 was raised for Celebrate HARVEST. A total of 158 “bets” were placed and donald PLUMP (Honeycomb Raw Honey) had the most bets placed on him with 30. Second most bets went to HAMala Harris (Honeycomb Raw Honey) and third most was Arnold SchwartzenHOGger (Westside Pizza) with 20.

PIG Politicians presented by Honeycomb Raw Honey  
#1 Donald PLUMP 3 3 30
#2 HAMala Harris 2 2 28
#3 BOARak Obama 1 1 20
Late Night Talking Head HOGSogs presented by BLAZING BAGELS  
#4 conHAM O’Brien 4 4 12
#5 Dave ChapPORK 2 2 18
#6 Michael BerPIGlia 0 0 11
FitBaconBits presented by WESTSIDE PIZZA
#7 Sylvester StalLOIN 5 5 8
#8 Richard SOWmmons 0 0 9
#9 Arnold SchwartzenHOGger 1 1 22

Thank you to our title sponsor Wally’s White River Drive In, team sponsors Honeycomb Raw Honey, Blazing Bagels and Westside Pizza as well major race supporters Washington Athletic Club, Salish Lodge, Glow Martini Lounge, Skulpt (wood carving) and Gillihan Farms (supplier of racing hogs).

It’s all PLUMP all weekend long!

Honeycomb Raw Honey star sweeps all 6 of his races including the PIGtucky Derby

There wasn’t even a doubt in his mind what the result would be on Saturday afternoon at PIGlico Downs at Maris Farms. Donald PLUMP, of the Honeycomb Raw Honey sponsored Political Pigs team, captured the first leg of the Triple PIG Crown series (presented by Wally’s White River Drive In) by less than a pig nose over second place Blazing Bagels sponsored Dave ChapPORK of the ComediHAMs racing team. ConHAM O’Brien, also of the ComediHAMs, finished third just a pigtail behind ChapPORK, and Westside Pizza sponsored Sylvester StalLOIN of the FitBaconBits racing team, was fourth by the same narrow pigtail.

“I knew I had it the whole time, never a doubt, no question, it was in the bag,” an exuberant PLUMP told a group of reporters at the post-race press conference. “Did you see race? Wasn’t I awesome. The crowd was excited. The atmosphere was electrical. It might’ve been the best PIGtucky Derby in Triple PIG Crows series history.”

Well…possibly. It was at least the closest Derby in history as all four finished with in one pig length of each other.

“I don’t recall there ever being that close of a race for ANY of our Triple PIG Crown series marquee races,” longtime pig race announcer Dennis “PIG Whisperer” Riley said. “It was as exciting a finish as we’ve seen in quite a long time, and now we see if that round mound of sound can keep the momentum rolling for next weekend’s second leg.”

Riley, of course, is talking about The SQUEAKness, which will kick off at 2 pm (PST) at PIGlico Downs.

By virtue of his PIGtucky Derby victory, Plump is already qualified for The SQUEAKness. He’s got a total of 9 wins after an unbelievable weekend of racing where he swept all 6 of his races. ConHAM O’Brien is also an automatic qualifier with 5 total wins, 2 more than anyone else on his ComediHAMs racing team. Arnold SchwartzenHOGger, who won all 5 of his races for the weekend and has 6 wins total, has qualified for the SQUEAKness. His teammate, Sylvester StalLOIN, who was the favorite to win the Derby after winning 5 of 6 races opening weekend, is the fourth and final qualifier for The SQUEAKness.

“This group, any one of them can win as they’ve all shown they can compete when the hot lamp is on them,” event coordinator Steve Templeman said. “They’re as competitive a group as we’ve seen in quite some time.”

One surprising development amongst the racers was Michael BirPIGlia – the tiniest of all 9 thoroughHOGs – who captured all three of his races on Sunday over his much stronger and athletic ComediHAM racing teammates.

“Don’t treat me like I’m some sort of lil’ smokey!” BirPIGlia said on Sunday after his final race to a group of reporters gathered outside his pen. “I’ll bite your ankles off in order to get the win. I’m not a pushover.”

Farm visitors who happen upon the weekend races can place bets on the hog(s) they believe will win during qualifying or marquee races, and 100% of those “bets” are donated to local nonprofit, Celebrate HARVEST, whose mission it is to preserve family farms by inspiring and financially supporting present-day farmers and future experiential farmers.

Last weekend, a total of $383 was raised for Celebrate HARVEST and a total of $516 over the first two weekends. A total of 390 “bets” were placed (548 for the season) and PLUMP had the most bets placed on him with 75 (total of 105 for the season). Second most bets went to StalLOIN with 69 and third most was ChapPORK with 55.

PIG Politicians presented by Honeycomb Raw Honey  
#1 Donald PLUMP 9 12 85
#2 HAMala Harris 2 2 44
#3 BOARak Obama 1 1 42
Late Night Talking Head HOGSogs presented by BLAZING BAGELS  
#4 conHAM O’Brien 5 5 44
#5 Dave ChapPORK 3 3 67
#6 Michael BerPIGlia 3 3 20
FitBaconBits presented by WESTSIDE PIZZA
#7 Sylvester StalLOIN 5 5 58
#8 Richard SOWmmons 0 0 14
#9 Arnold SchwartzenHOGger 6 6 38

Thank you to our title sponsor Wally’s White River Drive In, team sponsors Honeycomb Raw Honey, Blazing Bagels and Westside Pizza as well major race supporters Washington Athletic Club, Salish Lodge, Glow Martini Lounge, Skulpt (wood carving) and Gillihan Farms (supplier of racing hogs).

SchwartzenHOGger by a (pig) nose hair

Westside Pizza sponsored star wins SQUEAKness in controversial finish over PLUMP

It’ll likely go down as one of the closest finishes in Triple PIG Crown Series history for a marquee race. Arnold SchwarttzenHOGger of the Westside Pizza sponsored FitBaconBit racing team literally nosed out the win on Saturday over a heavily favored Donald PLUMP to capture the SQUEAKness at PIGlico Downs on the grounds of Maris Farms.

A huge crowd witnessed the race, which ended with SchwartzenHOGger leaning forward at the finish to barely edge PLUMP (of the Honeycomb Raw Honey sponsored Political Pigs racing team) by a (pig) nose hair. ConHAM O’Brien (Blazing Bagels sponsored ComediHAMs racing team) was a very close third, followed by SchwartzenHOGger’s teammate Sylvester StalLOIN. All four hogs were within less than a pig length of one another.

“I could feel PLUMP trying to move past me in that last 10 meters – we were shoulder to shoulder – but I think he thought he had it in the bag and didn’t have to push it, almost like he thought we’d all let him win,” SchwartzenHOGger said after the race. “That’s just not going to happen at this level, at least not if I’m in the race! He was a little bit shocked to say the least.”

PLUMP was not exactly willing to say he had lost.

“I’m not sure the judges had it right, It’s kind of a bunch of HOGwash in my opinion,” PLUMP told the post-race press gathering. “The Crowd was clearly cheering for yours truly. It was an amazing crowd, maybe the biggest ever, and they were definitely disappointed. My team is putting the race under protest, and asking for a full-on review and investigation.”

But the results stand for now, and it makes the TPC season series a little more interesting heading into weekend number four. PLUMP leads all racers with 14 wins and a PIGtucky Derby victory. SchwartzenHOGger is next with 11 wins and a SQUEAKness victory.

“There’ll be a lot of tension heading into this weekend, a lot on the line for Schwartzy and Donald,” event coordinator Steve Templeman said. “PLUMP may be slipping a little and SchartzenHOGger is gaining some momentum. I can’t wait to see what happens this weekend.”

BerPIGlia took over the lead amongst his ComediHAMs teammates with 3 victories this weekend (6 overall) and has a chance (with a win in Saturday’s qualifying round race at noon to ensure himself a spot in the BOARmont Stakes, which is scheduled for 2 pm on Saturday.

“That’s going to be something,” longtime pig race announcer Dennis “Pig Whisperer” Riley said of BerPIGlia. He’s on a hot streak right now. I hope he can squeak his way into the BOARmont. The crowd will be with him!”

Farm visitors who happen upon the weekend races can place bets on the hog(s) they believe will win during qualifying or marquee races, and 100% of those “bets” are donated to local nonprofit, Celebrate HARVEST, whose mission it is to preserve family farms by inspiring and financially supporting present-day farmers and future experiential farmers.

Last weekend, a total of $502 was raised for Celebrate HARVEST and a total of $885 over the first three weekends. A total of 495 “bets” were placed (1043 for the season) and PLUMP had the most bets placed on him with 130 (total of 215 for the season).


PIG Politicians presented by Honeycomb Raw Honey  
#1 Donald PLUMP 14 17 215
#2 HAMala Harris 2 2 64
#3 BOARak Obama 1 1 62
Late Night Talking Head HOGSogs presented by BLAZING BAGELS  
#4 conHAM O’Brien 5 5 101
#5 Dave ChapPORK 5 5 109
#6 Michael BerPIGlia 6 6 40
FitBaconBits presented by WESTSIDE PIZZA
#7 Sylvester StalLOIN 5 5 122
#8 Richard SOWmmons 1 1 33
#9 Arnold SchwartzenHOGger 11 15 161

*PIGtucky Derby winner (earns 3 extra points toward TPC series point total).
**The SQUEAKness is slated for 2 pm, Pacific Daylite time, on Saturday. (earns 5 extra bonus points toward the TPC series point total).
* The BOARmont Stakes is slated for 2 pm, Pacific Daylight time, on Saturday. (earns 7 extra bonus points toward the TPC series point total).

Thank you to our title sponsor Wally’s White River Drive In, team sponsors Honeycomb Raw Honey, Blazing Bagels and Westside Pizza as well major race supporters Washington Athletic Club, Salish Lodge, Glow Martini Lounge, Skulpt (wood carving) and Gillihan Farms (supplier of racing hogs).

SchwartzenHOGger takes BOARmont

Super star sow now leads TPC season series after winning all 6 of his races this weekend

Two weekends ago, Arnold SchwartzenHOGger had 6 wins and was barely keeping pace with the mediocre thoroughHOGs challenging for this year’s coveted Triple PIG Crown series season title. Donald PLUMP was beginning to explode, having captured 9 of the first 12 races, including a PIGtucky Derby win that proved he would be a formidable challenger for this season’s TPC title.

Fast forward to this past Sunday – after which SchwartzenHOGger had completed a sweep of the weekend with 6 wins in 6 races, 16 wins in his last 18 races and wins in the last two TPC series marquee races – and it has changed the landscape of the season and TPC title chase.

SchwartzenHOGger is a victory behind PLUMP with 17 wins (to Trump’s 18), but he leads the season series with 26 total points after receiving an extra 3 for the BOARmont Stakes victory and an extra 3 for his SQUEAKness victory the weekend before. PLUMP has 21 total points (18 for each victory and an extra 3 for his PIGtucky Derby win).

“As long as he keeps this current momentum up, there’s nobody that’s going to catch him,” said longtime race announcer Dennis Riley of SchwartzenHOGger. “He’s on a massive roll, and he’s getting better each weekend. Even PLUMP has to admit, he’s lost a step to ‘Schwartzy’ at this point.”

But that wouldn’t be like PLUMP, who bellowed to all that would listen on Sunday, “I’ve got the most wins, and we have the most support at our races. Everyone loves me. There’s still a full two days of racing to go, and I’m still Donald PLUMP.”

There is indeed two days and five races left for both PLUMP (of the Honeycomb Raw Honey racing team) and SchwartzenHOGger (of the Westside Pizza FitBaconBit racing team). But PLUMP would have to win all five of his races to even have a chance at the season series title. If SchwartzenHOGger wins just 3 of the last 5, he will secure the 2024 TPC season title (sponsored by Wally’s White River Drive In).

“I’m feeling as strong as I’ve ever felt, as confident as I’ve ever been,” SchwartzenHOGger said on Sunday after his final victory of the weekend. “I know PLUMP will come to compete this weekend, but I’m up for the challenge. Just gotta stay focused.”

Michael BerPIGlia continued his hot streak this weekend with 4 wins in 5 races to extend his lead amongst his ComediHAMs racing teammates (sponsored by Westside Pizza). He’s now got 10 wins and needs just 2 wins this weekend to secure a team title.

“I’m going to enjoy this weekend and run relaxed,” BerPIGlia – the undeniable runt of all 9 thoroughHOGs – said on Sunday. “Nobody expected me to even win a race this season, and look what I’ve done. I’m tiny, I’m might and I’ve got plenty of fighty.”

Racing resumes this weekend with races at noon, 2 and 4 pm. The featured race – the Cream of the Crap Cup – features the 3 worst racers record-wise against each other at 2 pm on Saturday. Currently, the field will be BOARak Obama (Honeycomb Raw Honey Political Pigs racing team), Dave ChapPORK (Blazing Bagels ComediHAMs racing team) and Richard SOWmmons (Westside Pizza FitBaconBits racing team).

Farm visitors who happen upon the weekend races can place bets on the hog(s) they believe will win during qualifying or marquee races, and 100% of those “bets” are donated to local nonprofit, Celebrate HARVEST, whose mission it is to preserve family farms by inspiring and financially supporting present-day farmers and future experiential farmers.

Last weekend, a total of $635 was raised for Celebrate HARVEST and a total of $1,520 over the first four weekends. A total of 558 “bets” were placed (1,601 for the season) and SchwartzenHOGger had the most bets placed on him with 133 (total of 294 for the season). Donald PLUMP leads all hogs with 326 bets placed on him for the season.


PIG Politicians presented by Honeycomb Raw Honey  
#1 Donald PLUMP 18 21 326
#2 HAMala Harris 3 3 104
#3 BOARak Obama 1 1 96
Late Night Talking Head HOGSogs presented by BLAZING BAGELS  
#4 conHAM O’Brien 6 6 171
#5 Dave ChapPORK 5 5 140
#6 Michael BerPIGlia 10 10 130
FitBaconBits presented by WESTSIDE PIZZA
#7 Sylvester StalLOIN 5 5 151
#8 Richard SOWmmons 1 1 53
#9 Arnold SchwartzenHOGger 17 23 294

*PIGtucky Derby winner was D. PLUMP (earns 3 extra points toward TPC series point total).

**The SQUEAKness winner was A. SchwartzenHOGger. (earns 3 extra bonus points toward the TPC series point total).

* The BOARmont Stakes was A. SchwartzenHOGger. (earns 3 extra bonus points toward the TPC series point total).

Thank you to our title sponsor Wally’s White River Drive In, team sponsors Honeycomb Raw Honey, Blazing Bagels and Westside Pizza as well major race supporters Washington Athletic Club, Salish Lodge, Glow Martini Lounge, Skulpt (wood carving) and Gillihan Farms (supplier of racing hogs).

PLUMP ‘squeaks out’ season series title

Controversy swirls after SchwartzenHOGger scratched from racing due to mysterious injury

Donald PLUMP knew a miracle had to occur in the final weekend of racing at Maris Farms in order for him to win the Triple PIG Crown season series title. And that miracle happened in a big way last Sunday as PLUMP became the first and only Political/Presidential pig to win a season series champion in the 18-year history of the TPC series (presented by Wally’s White River Drive In).

“I ordered one up from the BIG GUY upstairs, and he delivered,” PLUMP told a post-race press gathering on Sunday afternoon, after the portly pig won his final race of the month for his 22nd win. “Things had to go nearly perfect for me, and it all fell into place – bing, bang, boom. Yes, the Donald did what he always does. He wins. He’s a champion.”

But this TPC title was not without a major controversy as Arnold SchwartzenHOGger – of the Westside Pizza sponsored FitBaconBits racing team – had to be pulled from racing the entire weekend just prior to the first race on Saturday afternoon. He had suffered a mysterious leg injury that occurred late in the week. SchwartzenHOGger led the TPC season title chase heading into the final weekend over PLUMP and needed to win only 2 of his remaining 5 races in order to secure that season title. The decision to pull him came with less than 3 minutes before the first race of the weekend on Saturday afternoon.

“I can’t explain what happened,” a distraught SchwartzenHOGger said of his mysterious injury. “I woke up on Friday morning and my front right foot was numb, unusable. I thought I had slept on it wrong, but when I tried to walk, I couldn’t put any weight on it. It’s a mystery to me what happened. I’d really like to give credit to PLUMP for his effort, but I’m very confused and frustrated about this, and I can’t help thinking that there was something nefarious at play here.”

SchwartzenHOGger was given an extra win and extra season point after being pulled before Saturday’s opening race, a gesture offered to the many fans that had already placed bets on him prior to him being pulled.

PLUMP – of the Honeycomb Raw Honey sponsored Political Pigs racing team – denied any wrongdoing on his part for the sudden and mysterious injury to SchwartzenHOGger.

“We don’t need to resort to any sort of cheating in order to win,” PLUMP said. “I had the most wins, I had the most points, it’s that simple. That racing team is always tussling over there in their pen, maybe Schwartzy hurt himself roughhousing with his teammates.”

Michael BirPIGlia of the Blazing Bagels sponsored ComediHAMs was third in the TPC season series with 11 wins. The obvious ‘runt’ of the thoroughHOGs, went on quite a hot streak to end the season, winning 6 of his last 10 races.

“Don’t count me out just cuz I’m tiny,” BirPIGlia said on Sunday afternoon. “Us lil’ hogs have huge heart and plenty of fast-twitch in us as well. You don’t have to have the big pork butts to compete at the highest level. Just gotta have heart and a little bit of a chip on your pork shoulder.”

Last weekend, a total of $291 was raised for Celebrate HARVEST and a total of $1,811 was raised for the season. A total of 357 “bets” were placed (1,958 for the season) and Donald PLUMP had the most bets placed on him with 71 (total of 365 for the season). It was a banner season of racing with plenty of drama during the 5-weekend event. And it’ll continue to be a hot topic of discussion during the off-season.

Farm visitors who happen upon the weekend races are able to place bets on the hog(s) they believe will win during qualifying or marquee races, and 100% of those “bets” are donated to local nonprofit, Celebrate HARVEST, whose mission it is to preserve family farms by inspiring and financially supporting present-day farmers and future experiential farmers. Funds raised by Celebrate HARVEST help pay for field trips for local schoolchildren to farms like Maris Farms and others around Pierce County. Celebrate HARVEST also gives two $1,500 Continuing Education awards out each year to those wanting to pursue any aspect of the agritainment industry.


PIG Politicians presented by Honeycomb Raw Honey        
#1 Donald PLUMP 22 25 326
#2 HAMala Harris 3 3 131
#3 BOARak Obama 2 2 131
Late Night Talking Head HOGSogs presented by BLAZING BAGELS        
#4 conHAM O’Brien 9 9 192
#5 Dave ChapPORK 6 56 175
#6 Michael BerPIGlia 11 11 169
FitBaconBits presented by WESTSIDE PIZZA      
#7 Sylvester StalLOIN 5 5 218
#8 Richard SOWmmons 4 4 93
#9 Arnold SchwartzenHOGger 19 24 310

*PIGtucky Derby winner was D. PLUMP (earns 3 extra points toward TPC series point total).

**The SQUEAKness winner was A. SchwartzenHOGger. (earns 3 extra bonus points toward the TPC series point total).

* The BOARmont Stakes winner was A. SchwartzenHOGger. (earns 3 extra bonus points toward the TPC series point total).

*The Cream of the Crap winner was R. SOWmmons (no extra bonus points are awarded)

Thank you to our title sponsor Wally’s White River Drive In, team sponsors Honeycomb Raw Honey, Blazing Bagels and Westside Pizza as well major race supporters Washington Athletic Club, Salish Lodge, Glow Martini Lounge, Skulpt (wood carving) and Gillihan Farms (supplier of racing hogs).

PLUMP ‘squeaks out’ season series title

Controversy swirls after SchwartzenHOGger scratched from racing due to mysterious injury

Donald PLUMP knew a miracle had to occur in the final weekend of racing at Maris Farms in order for him to win the Triple PIG Crown season series title. And that miracle happened in a big way last Sunday as PLUMP became the first and only Political/Presidential pig to win a season series champion in the 18-year history of the TPC series (presented by Wally’s White River Drive In).

“I ordered one up from the BIG GUY upstairs, and he delivered,” PLUMP told a post-race press gathering on Sunday afternoon, after the portly pig won his final race of the month for his 22nd win. “Things had to go nearly perfect for me, and it all fell into place – bing, bang, boom. Yes, the Donald did what he always does. He wins. He’s a champion.”

But this TPC title was not without a major controversy as Arnold SchwartzenHOGger – of the Westside Pizza sponsored FitBaconBits racing team – had to be pulled from racing the entire weekend just prior to the first race on Saturday afternoon. He had suffered a mysterious leg injury that occurred late in the week. SchwartzenHOGger led the TPC season title chase heading into the final weekend over PLUMP and needed to win only 2 of his remaining 5 races in order to secure that season title. The decision to pull him came with less than 3 minutes before the first race of the weekend on Saturday afternoon.

“I can’t explain what happened,” a distraught SchwartzenHOGger said of his mysterious injury. “I woke up on Friday morning and my front right foot was numb, unusable. I thought I had slept on it wrong, but when I tried to walk, I couldn’t put any weight on it. It’s a mystery to me what happened. I’d really like to give credit to PLUMP for his effort, but I’m very confused and frustrated about this, and I can’t help thinking that there was something nefarious at play here.”

SchwartzenHOGger was given an extra win and extra season point after being pulled before Saturday’s opening race, a gesture offered to the many fans that had already placed bets on him prior to him being pulled.

PLUMP – of the Honeycomb Raw Honey sponsored Political Pigs racing team – denied any wrongdoing on his part for the sudden and mysterious injury to SchwartzenHOGger.

“We don’t need to resort to any sort of cheating in order to win,” PLUMP said. “I had the most wins, I had the most points, it’s that simple. That racing team is always tussling over there in their pen, maybe Schwartzy hurt himself roughhousing with his teammates.”

Michael BirPIGlia of the Blazing Bagels sponsored ComediHAMs was third in the TPC season series with 11 wins. The obvious ‘runt’ of the thoroughHOGs, went on quite a hot streak to end the season, winning 6 of his last 10 races.

“Don’t count me out just cuz I’m tiny,” BirPIGlia said on Sunday afternoon. “Us lil’ hogs have huge heart and plenty of fast-twitch in us as well. You don’t have to have the big pork butts to compete at the highest level. Just gotta have heart and a little bit of a chip on your pork shoulder.”

Last weekend, a total of $291 was raised for Celebrate HARVEST and a total of $1,811 was raised for the season. A total of 357 “bets” were placed (1,958 for the season) and Donald PLUMP had the most bets placed on him with 71 (total of 365 for the season). It was a banner season of racing with plenty of drama during the 5-weekend event. And it’ll continue to be a hot topic of discussion during the off-season.

Farm visitors who happen upon the weekend races are able to place bets on the hog(s) they believe will win during qualifying or marquee races, and 100% of those “bets” are donated to local nonprofit, Celebrate HARVEST, whose mission it is to preserve family farms by inspiring and financially supporting present-day farmers and future experiential farmers. Funds raised by Celebrate HARVEST help pay for field trips for local schoolchildren to farms like Maris Farms and others around Pierce County. Celebrate HARVEST also gives two $1,500 Continuing Education awards out each year to those wanting to pursue any aspect of the agritainment industry.


PIG Politicians presented by Honeycomb Raw Honey        
#1 Donald PLUMP 22 25 326
#2 HAMala Harris 3 3 131
#3 BOARak Obama 2 2 131
Late Night Talking Head HOGSogs presented by BLAZING BAGELS        
#4 conHAM O’Brien 9 9 192
#5 Dave ChapPORK 6 56 175
#6 Michael BerPIGlia 11 11 169
FitBaconBits presented by WESTSIDE PIZZA      
#7 Sylvester StalLOIN 5 5 218
#8 Richard SOWmmons 4 4 93
#9 Arnold SchwartzenHOGger 19 24 310

*PIGtucky Derby winner was D. PLUMP (earns 3 extra points toward TPC series point total).

**The SQUEAKness winner was A. SchwartzenHOGger. (earns 3 extra bonus points toward the TPC series point total).

* The BOARmont Stakes winner was A. SchwartzenHOGger. (earns 3 extra bonus points toward the TPC series point total).

*The Cream of the Crap winner was R. SOWmmons (no extra bonus points are awarded)

Thank you to our title sponsor Wally’s White River Drive In, team sponsors Honeycomb Raw Honey, Blazing Bagels and Westside Pizza as well major race supporters Washington Athletic Club, Salish Lodge, Glow Martini Lounge, Skulpt (wood carving) and Gillihan Farms (supplier of racing hogs).

Shout out to our 2024 Celebrate HARVEST fall sponsors @ Maris Farms:

◦ Blazing Bagels (pig races)
◦ Bootleggers Bar & Groll (pig/duck races)
◦ Gillihan Farms (pig races)
◦ Glow Martini Lounge (pig/duck races)
◦ Goodwill ORR (2023 QUACKY race series)
◦ Honeycomb Raw Honey (2023 Triple PIG Crown series)
◦ Jennings Equipment (cow train)
◦ OG Concepts (pig races)
◦ Salish Lodge (pig races)
◦ Skulpt (pig races)
◦ Umpqua Bank (duck races)
◦ Wally’s White River Drive In (pig/duck races)
◦ Westside Pizza (pig/duck races)
◦ Washington Athletic Club (pig races)

We appreciate all your support. #goDOfarms!”


On a small round track near the animal barn, several races will occur during the course of a weekend day. Prior to each racing session (3 races per session, 3 sessions per day), racing fans can make donations of $1 (1 ticket) or $5 (6 tickets) and pick a pig they feel will win that race. ALL DONORS earn a special “pignostication” pig nose for their contribution. ALL DONATIONS will go to Celebrate HARVEST. All donators also receive a numbered raffle ticket – they keep half and put the other half in the betting slot of their “chosen” winner. At the end of the race, the announcer will draw a name from the “winning” pig’s slot, and that individual will win a prize from one of our sponsors. In addition to the 3 marquee races – the PIGtucky Derby (Oct. 7th, 2 pm), the SQUEAKness (Oct. 14th, 2 pm) and the BOARmont Stakes (oct. 21st, 2 pm) – there will be the normal weekend “qualifying” races, which start Saturday, Sept. 30th, and continue on each weekend until Sunday, Oct. 29th. Approximately 90 races are scheduled over the course of the 5- weekend racing series – 3 sessions at 3 races/session each Saturday and Sunday.   

About Celebrate HARVEST (Helping Agriculture Reimagine Via Entertainment, Scholarships & Tourism) Celebrate HARVEST is a nonprofit charitable organization whose mission is to preserve traditional  family farms by promoting and supporting experiential farming, also known as agritainment – it’s  Farming Reimagined. Celebrate HARVEST is also committed to inspiring youth to pursue the  agritainment profession via continuing education awards for those wanting to pursue some aspect of  experiential farming as well as funding of field trips to experiential farms for underserved  students/schools. It also helps fund/build/manage non-traditional farming events/activities at  experiential farms as a means of adding to the farms appeal and a potential fund-raising event/activity  for Celebrate HARVEST. 

MORE ABOUT MARIS FARMS: In its 24th year of operation at this current site, Maris Farms is located in scenic east Pierce County about 3 miles west of Buckley, Washington, at 25001 Sumner Buckley Highway. It has been selling pumpkins for 29 years (first five years were at a different location) and started a corn maze at its current location in 2000. Since then, the 40-acre operation has grown into a mega-agritainment venue with more than 40 activities and events for visitors of all ages to enjoy.